I LOVE getting before and after photos! Here is one from the gorgeous Stacy who used the Lavender & Jasmine Scrub and the Blackhead Removal Mask. These photos make it all worth starting this company! Here is her review below:
I want to first of all say Thank you! I have tried so many things to help my skin this past year. I'm a mother of 4 and I have skin of a teenager. This is the first time in who knows how long that I don't have any breakouts on my skin. My friend told me about this stuff and we both started this together. She is having great results too. The pic on the right was 1 week after staring Salis skin care. The pic on the left was 12 days later. It looks even better today!!! If this continues I will be your number one customer for life!!!!! I already gave me sample away and have already told so many people. You have no idea how happy this makes me feel. I can actually go places without worrying if my zits are covered up! I do have some black heads on my nose and chin that I'm hoping will go away soon too. I've been using the blackhead mask so cross my fingers!!!! Thank you for making my Holidays!!!!! Merry Chrsitmas!
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